
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Hello and welcome to The Spotted Teapot, a blog dedicated to a life-long love of good food.

Let me say now, this is not a recipe blog. While I do enjoy spending hours experimenting in the kitchen and food magazines are perhaps my worst vice, I am more interested in the culture that surrounds the food that we eat; the social, cultural and family traditions, as well as the influences that stem from the books that we read and the films that we see to the daily deals launched at us at the  the supermarket. Why do we eat what we eat? What does that say about us? I do not plan to use this medium to share with the void the contents of my plate three times a day -- though I like to think the quality of my food is high, it is definitely not photogenic. Instead I hope to share my thoughts and experiences, observations and musings on the world of food culture and the great power it exerts over our lives.

While the contents of this blog will obviously be influenced by my day to day life in the UK, I hope to be able to share my thoughts and ideas on foods and food cultures from around the world. I am lucky enough to have a heritage that stretches from central Italy, down through Greece, Malta, Syria and the Lebanon, going all the way to Iraq, and have thus been privileged to a wide exposure of cuisines and traditions. I have also recently spent several months living and working (and eating) in northern Italy, where food is a subject of which no one seemingly tires. 

I hope you will find it interesting and (if we're lucky) entertaining. I will do my best not to spend too much time waxing lyrical about my favourite foods, or by going into depth about moments of near-spiritual enlightenment brought on by an exquisite risotto etc etc. Just bear with me, and let me know what you think!


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